International Women’s Day

12 March, 2024 by Simran Singh
International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day, celebrated globally on March 8th, serves as a universal tribute to the remarkable social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. In 2024, the theme "Inspire Inclusion" takes centre stage, emphasizing the importance of embracing diversity and fostering an environment where every woman is respected and valued. This annual celebration goes beyond mere acknowledgment, serving as a poignant reminder of the ongoing journey towards gender equality. 

In Germany, Women's Day is celebrated with enthusiasm and zeal. The nation acknowledges and appreciates the contributions of women across various fields, fostering an environment of inclusivity. Commencing this day, reflections on the strides accomplished and the unwavering efforts of women in Germany and worldwide are shared. Beyond a mere celebration, International Women's Day 2024 emerges as a call to action, fostering a collective commitment to breaking down barriers and prejudices. Serving as a universal platform, it transcends geographical and cultural boundaries to champion the cause of gender equality.

  • Rooted in the early 20th century, Germany actively recognizes and celebrates Women's Day, addressing challenges from gender-based violence to unequal access in education and employment. Mobile communication bridges gaps, providing access to information, educational opportunities, and economic empowerment.
  • Germany actively promotes gender equality through initiatives like Start-up BW Women and the Transparency in Wage Structures Act, addressing the gender pay gap.
  • The commitment in Germany, as elsewhere, involves championing connectivity, supporting education, and promoting women in leadership to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable future.


Step 1: Inspiring inclusion across various fields

Fostering inclusion for women across diverse fields is a compelling initiative that acknowledges the diversity of talent, perspectives, and experiences that women contribute to every sector. This effort involves dismantling barriers and challenging preconceived notions to create environments where women are not just present but actively engaged and empowered.
Inclusive practices pave the way for collaborative innovation, allowing different voices to contribute to a richer tapestry of ideas. This cultural shift is essential for breaking stereotypes associated with professional fields labelled as "men's jobs" for many years. 
Despite considerable progress in women's rights, independence, education access, and professional development, challenges persist. To address this, various professional communities in Germany, like International Women in Berlin and Business Babes Abroad Hamburg, provide safe spaces for women to share tips, information, and advice. These communities aim to support women in different situations, fostering an environment where women feel valued, respected, and supported in their pursuits, ensuring their potential is fully realised.

Step 2: The story of International Women's Day in Germany

The roots of International Women’s Day in Germany date back to the early 20th century when women started advocating for their rights, equality, and better working conditions. The first National Women's Day was observed in the United States in 1909, and its significance quickly spread globally.
In Germany, Women's Day gained prominence in the early 20th century, and it has been officially recognized and celebrated with events and activities across the country. The day serves not only as a celebration but also as a powerful platform to address the challenges women still face, from gender-based violence to unequal access to education and employment opportunities. It is a day to recognize and appreciate the invaluable contributions of women in various fields and to renew our commitment to achieving gender parity.

Step 3: Empowering Women Through Connectivity

In the contemporary digital age, connectivity plays a pivotal role in empowering women globally. Recognizing the transformative power of mobile communication in bridging gaps, providing access to information and opportunities is crucial.
Connectivity becomes a powerful force, leveling the playing field and contributing to a more equitable future for women worldwide. It facilitates not only interpersonal connections but also opens doors to educational opportunities, breaking down traditional barriers to learning. Moreover, connectivity empowers women economically by providing avenues for entrepreneurship, remote work, and participation in online marketplaces, contributing to a more inclusive and diverse global landscape.</span

Step 4: Gender-Inclusive Entrepreneurship and Equal Pay Initiatives

In Germany, initiatives and policies are actively promoting gender equality, particularly in the realms of startups, leadership, and equal pay. Programs like Start-up BW Women in Baden-Württemberg and UnternehmerTUMs "Women Start-up" initiative are encouraging women to embrace entrepreneurship and technology. The Verband Deutscher Unternehmerinnen advocates for better conditions for women in business, while the National Agency for Women Start-ups Activities and Services (bga) acts as a one-stop-shop, providing information and support services for women entrepreneurs.
Efforts to address the gender pay gap in Germany include the Transparency in Wage Structures Act, requiring companies with over 200 employees to disclose wage data for both genders. Despite ranking 10th on the Gender Equality Index compared to other EU countries, Germany remains 0.6 points above the EU average, with a 6-point increase since 2010. While progress has been made, the gender pay gap narrowed, but in 2020, women still earned over 18% less than men per worked hour. The Economic and Social Science Institute (WSI) highlighted that while women have caught up with men in education, employment, and income, challenges persist, particularly in part-time positions and caregiving roles. Germany continues to advance gender equality through various initiatives, detailed on the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth (BMFSFJ) website.


International Women’s Day is a time to celebrate the progress made towards gender equality and to reflect on the work that still lies ahead. In Germany, as elsewhere, the commitment to respect for women is not confined to a single day but permeates our values and actions every day of the year. By championing connectivity, supporting education, and promoting women in leadership, Lyca Mobile strives to contribute to a world where every woman is respected, valued, and empowered to achieve her aspirations. Together, let us celebrate International Women's Day and continue the journey towards a more inclusive and equitable future.